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4 posts tagged with "Hwameistor"

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· 5 min read
Lechuan Niu
Michelle Wu

In Kubernetes, when a PVC is created and uses HwameiStor as its local storage, HwameiStor will create two kinds of CR: LocalVolume and LocalVolumeReplica. Why create these two resources for one PV? Continue to read and you will find the answer.

LV Replicas


LocalVolume is a CRD defined by HwameiStor. It is the volume that HwameiStor provides for users. Each LocalVolume corresponds to a PersistentVolume of Kubernetes. Both are volumes, but LocalVolume stores HwameiStor-related information, while the other records information about Kubernetes itself and links it to LocalVolume.

You can check details of LocalVolume with this command:

#  check status of local volume and volume replica
$ kubectl get lv # or localvolume
pvc-996b05e8-80f2-4240-ace4-5f5f250310e2 LocalStorage_PoolHDD LVM 1 1073741824 k8s-node1 Ready -1 22m

Now that HwameiStor can use LocalVolume to provide a volume, why do we still need LocalVolumeReplica?


LocalVolumeReplica is another CRD defined by HwameiStor. It represents a replica of a volume.

In HwameiStor, LocalVolume can specify one of its LocalVolumeReplica as the active replica. As a volume, LocalVolume can have many LocalVolumeReplica as its replicas. The replica in active state will be mounted by applications and others will stand by as high available replicas.

You can check details of LocalVolumeReplica with this command:

$ kubectl get lvr # or localvolumereplica
pvc-996b05e8-80f2-4240-ace4-5f5f250310e2-v5scm9 LVM 1073741824 k8s-node1 Ready true /dev/LocalStorage_PoolHDD/pvc-996b05e8-80f2-4240-ace4-5f5f250310e2 80s

LocalVolumeReplica allows HwameiStor to support features like HA, migration, hot standby of volumes and fast recovery of Kubernetes applications, making it more competitive as a local storage tool.


LocalVolume and LocalVolumeReplica are common concepts in many storage products, but each product can have its own competitive and unique features based on these two concepts. A technical difficulty can be solved with different solutions, so these concepts are also suitable for different production scenarios.

We will provide more capabilities for more scenarios in future releases. Both users and developers are welcome to join us!

· 2 min read
Jie Li
Michael Yao

News today: The HwameiStor Reliable Helper System, an automatic and reliable cloud-native local storage maintenance system dedicated to system operation and maintenance, has been launched.

DaoCloud officially opens source of HwameiStor Reliable Helper System, a cloud native, automatic, reliable local storage maintenance system. This system is still in the alpha stage. HwameiStor creates a local storage pool with HDD, SSD, and NVMe disks for a central management. As the underlying data base used by applications, disks often face risks such as natural and unintentional damage. In this case, the Reliable Helper System comes out for disk operation and maintenance. All developers and enthusiasts are welcome to try it out.

System architecture

In the cloud native era, application developers can focus on the business logic itself, while the agility, scalability, and reliability required by the application runtime attribute to the infrastructure platform and O\&M team. The HwameiStor Reliable Helper System is a reliable operation and maintenance system that meets the requirements of the cloud-native era. Currently, it supports the feature of one-click disk replacement.

Comprehensively enhance the operation and maintenance

Reliable, one-click replacement, alert reminder

  • Reliable data migration and backfill

    Automatically recognize RAID disks and determine if the data migration and backfill is required to guarantee data reliability.

  • One-click disk replacement

    This feature is implemented by using the disk uuid.

  • Intuitive alert reminder

    If any exceptions occur in the process of one-click disk replacement, the system will raise an alert to remind you.

Join us

If the coming future is an era of intelligent Internet, developers will be the pioneers to that milestone, and the open source community will become the "metaverse" of developers.

If you have any questions about the HwameiStor cloud-native local storage system, welcome to join the community to explore this metaverse world dedicated for developers and grow together.

· One min read
Michael Yao

Welcome to the Hwameistor blog space.

Here you can keep up with the progress of the Hwameistor open source project and recent hot topics.

We also plan to include release notes for major releases, guidance articles, community-related events, and possibly some development tips, and interesting topics within the team.

If you are interested in contributing to this open source project and would like to join the discussion or make some guest blog posts, please contact us.

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